Creating an Effective Landing Page: Best Practices

By Alexis Miller

We’ve all been on a landing page…even if we didn’t know it. Landing pages are a crucial part of any sales funnel. In this blog post, we’ll cover what landing pages are and go over best practices for creating effective landing pages.

What is a Landing Page?

web landing page for yoga instructor

A landing page is a web page that is designed to receive and convert visitors into leads or customers. Typically, these pages are created with a specific goal in mind, such as promoting a product, service, or event. They are often used in digital marketing campaigns to drive traffic to the page and encourage visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.

Is There a Difference Between a Landing Page and a Homepage?

There are many out there who mistakenly believe that a landing page and a homepage are the same thing. In fact, there are several key differences between the two as outlined below.

Landing Page:

  • Specific Focus: A landing page is a standalone web page created with a specific goal in mind, such as converting visitors into leads or customers. It’s designed to direct visitors to take a particular action, like signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form.
  • Limited Navigation: Landing pages typically have minimal navigation options. They often lack the extensive menu bars and links to other parts of the website that you’d find on a home page. This is to keep visitors focused on the intended action.
  • Message Consistency: The content and message on a landing page are highly focused and tailored to match the source that brought the visitor there. For example, if a user clicks on a Google Ad for a specific product, the landing page they arrive at should be directly related to that product.
  • Conversion Optimization: Landing pages are optimized for conversion. This means they’re designed to maximize the chances of a visitor taking the desired action, typically through persuasive copy, compelling visuals, and clear calls-to-action.

Home Page:

  • Introductory: The home page is the main page of a website. It serves as the entry point to the site and provides an overview of what the website is about. It often includes navigation menus, links to different sections, and general information about the organization or business.
  • Multiple Objectives: Home pages can have multiple objectives. They provide an introduction to the site’s content and can direct visitors to various sections or pages within the website. They may contain news, featured products or services, and provide access to company information.
  • General Information: Home pages typically present general information about the organization, its products or services, and may include elements like mission statements, about us sections, and contact information.
  • Balanced Navigation: Home pages usually have a more extensive navigation structure, allowing visitors to explore different areas of the website. They are less focused on a single, specific call to action.

Each has its own role within a website and should be designed accordingly to fulfill its purpose.

Why Should Small Businesses Utilize Landing Pages?

Small businesses can benefit greatly from using landing pages as part of their marketing strategy. Landing pages are a cost-effective way to generate leads and increase conversions, as they allow businesses to target specific audiences with tailored messaging and offers. By focusing on a single product or service, landing pages can help businesses increase their conversion rates and improve their return on investment.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Landing Pages

To create an effective landing page, there are several best practices that businesses should follow:

  1. Define your goal
    The first step in creating a successful landing page is to define your goal. What do you want your visitors to do when they land on your page? Is it to purchase a product, sign up for a newsletter, or request more information? Knowing your goal will help you design a page that is focused and effective.
  2. Keep it simple
    A good landing page should be simple and easy to understand. Visitors should be able to quickly understand what your offer is and how it can benefit them. Avoid clutter and distractions that could take away from the main message.
  3. Use clear and concise copy
    Your copy should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Use simple language and focus on the benefits of your offer. Use headings and bullet points to break up the text and make it easier to read.
  4. Include a strong call-to-action
    Your call-to-action (CTA) is the button or link that encourages visitors to take the desired action. It should be prominently placed on the page and use clear, action-oriented language (e.g. “Buy Now” or “Sign Up Today”).
  5. Use high-quality visuals
    Visuals can help to enhance your message and make your landing page more engaging. Use high-quality images or videos that are relevant to your offer and support your message.
  6. Optimize for mobile
    With more and more people using mobile devices to browse the web, it’s essential that your landing page is optimized for mobile. Make sure it loads quickly and is easy to navigate on a smaller screen.
  7. Test and refine
    Finally, it’s important to test your landing page to see how it performs. Use A/B testing to try out different versions of your page and see which one performs best. Refine your page based on the results to improve its effectiveness.

Landing pages can be a powerful tool for small businesses looking to generate leads and increase conversions. By following these best practices, businesses can create landing pages that are effective, engaging, and optimized for success.

If you’d like assistance with creating a strategy for your landing pages (and creating the actual pages) then let’s chat! Send us an email here to get started.